The Great Lakes Medieval Faire 2024 Season is Here! 

Welcome Back to Avaloch

The High Cost of High Culture

With a visit from the King looming nearer, the Mayor of Avaloch has determined that the village requires civic beautification.  And what better place to start than with the peasantry?  The harsh winter has not been kind to the working class, and the shifting winds of springtime have tinged local noble noses with the stench of the common man.  As such, the Mayor has enlisted the services of a Minister of Culture to whip the local populace into shape.  

Join the merriment!  Will you partake in raising the class of the working class as a rising tide (and perhaps a little soap) lifts all ships?  Or, will you join with the rebellious serfs as they fight to preserve their way of life, squalid and debaucherous as it may be?  Which shall overcome… the spit or the polish?

Have you been searching for a way to the 2024 Great Lakes Medieval Faire? Look no further! Tickets are right here!

Follow us on social media for all updates, sales, promotions, and all things GLMF!

When using a promo code, be sure to put the code in where you purchase your tickets – NOT at checkout!

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Live the fairytale!

Discover how we can help your special day become the fairytale event of your dreams.

2024 Gate Prices

Adults (13 and Up)


Adult Weekend Pass


Adult Season Pass


Children (5-12)


Child Weekend Pass


Child Season Pass


Featured Performer


Our famous Pub Sing is one of the most magical moments of the Faire! Don't be left out! Join us in song!

Click Here for Our Pub Sing Songs Lyrics